linux-systema Morio Client Module
linux-systema Morio Client Module
This module bundles configuration for the following agents:audit,logs,metrics
audit(template for Auditbeat)/modules/audit/module-templates.d/linux-system.yml
audit(template for Auditbeat)
Auditd rules for Linux
Client Variables
A list of files with auditd rules to load
logs(template for Filebeat)/modules/logs/input-templates.d/linux-system.yml
logs(template for Filebeat)
Collects log data from journald on Linux systems
metrics(template for Metricbeat)/modules/metrics/module-templates.d/linux-system.yml
metrics(template for Metricbeat)
Collects metrics from Linux systems
Client Variables
The interval to use for collecting filesystem data
The metricsets to collect on every tick
A regular expression of mountpoints for which to drop filesystem events