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Morio Client Installation Guide

This guide covers the installation of the Morio client. The process is a little different on each platform:

However, for all of these the same principle applies:

  • A preconfigured version of the client can be downloaded from your Morio instance
  • A so-called bare version of the client can be downloaded from the repositories provided by the Morio team

Unless there is a specific reason why you need the bare client, you should use the client packages made available by your Morio instance.

The bare client is not available yet

We do currently not (yet) publish a bare client, but it’s on our todo list

Once installed, refer to the client configuration guide for info on how to configure the client.

Installing the Morio client on Linux

Pre-configured client from a Morio instance

To install the Morio client, run the command below from an account with sudo rights, making sure to replace with the of your Morio collector:

curl -k | bash

Bare Morio client

Download the bare client package suitable for your distribution:

  • APT package: FIXME
  • DEB package: FIXME

Install the package.

Installing the Morio client on MacOS


Write these docs

Installing the Morio client on Windows


Write these docs