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DRBuilder Service Guide

The Morio Debian Repository Builder Service (drbuilder) is an on-demand service that builds Morio repository packages in .deb format, the package format used by Debian-based Linux distributions.

As an on-demand service, it is not running all the time, instead it is started by the core service whenever a .deb repository package needs to be built.

DRBuilder service responsibilities

The drbuilder service is present on every Morio broker node , and handles the following responsibilities:

Building .deb Morio repository packages

The drbuilder service has one job and one job only: building repository packages for Debian-based Linux distributions.

These repository packages go by the name morio-repo and they exist to facilitate the installation of the Morio client on Debian based Linux systems. Specifically, they setup the APT repository that is hosted by the Morio collector, and add its key as a trusted key to apt. This allows to install the Morio client and get all updates from this repository hosted on the collector.

Maintaining an APT software repository

Upon building packages, this service will update the APT repository hosted by the Morio collector at /repos/apt.

Using this repository

You can add this repository to your system:

deb https://[your-collector]/repos/apt/ bookworm main

Or go to /install on your collector for an automated install script that will set up this repository.


Under the hood, this services uses the itsmorio/dbuilder container image, the same image used by the DBuilder Service.