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Integration guide: Microsoft Active Directory

Microsoft’s Active Directory can be integrated with Morio to act as an identity provider.

If you have user accounts in Active Directory that you want to use to authenticate to Morio, you can do so by configuring an LDAP identity provider with Active Directory as the backing LDAP service.

To do so requires configuring a service account in Active Directory, and then using that account to set up a new identity provider in Morio. You also need to ensure Morio can talk LDAPS to Active Directory.

Ensure connectivity

For this to work, Morio needs access to an Active Directory domain controller on TCP port 636 (LDAPS).

Create an Active Directory service account

Create a new user in Active Directory. This user will be used to perform an LDAP bind to Active Directory. Make sure that:

  • You pick a strong password for the account
  • You do not force the user to check the password at next logon
  • You set the password to never expire
  • You do not give the account elevated privileges, and do not allow it to login interactively

Note the account’s Distinguished Name (DN) and password for the next steps.

Create a new identity provider in Morio

Next, you need to add a new identity provider to Morio, specifically, an LDAP identity provider.

Below is an example configuration:

ad: # You can choose the ID of the ldap provider instance
provider: ldap # You cannot choose this, it must always be `ldap`
label: Active Directory
about: This is your Active Directory account, the same you use to login to your computer.
url: "ldaps://
bindDN: "CN=morio-ldap,OU=Users,DC=tokyo,DC=morio,DC=it",
bindCredentials: "{{{ AD_PASSWORD }}}",
searchBase: "OU=Users-EU,DC=tokyo,DC=morio,DC=it",
searchFilter: "(&(objectClass=user)(samaccountname={{username}}))"
username_field: samaccountname
attribute: samaccountname
regex: .
attribute: samaccountname
- mario
- luigi
# Use 'tab' to show the identity provider
# as a tab on the login page
ad: tab
ad: 2
AD_PASSWORD: "Your secret here"